Fresh Beginnings Ministries Inc. is an organization which exists to assist and serve people experiencing homelessness and near homelessness.
We provide food, training of mentors, and personal supportive care to an underserved community.
We believe in our abilities to change lives for the better. We're an all-inclusive organization.
This is to say, we don't turn away anyone who may need our help or those who just want to take part in all we offer.
We are a public benefit nonprofit corporation with access to various resources for assistance to people in need.
IRS 501 (c)(3) 46-5153625
We don't require that you belong to any particular religious affiliation or financially support our organization in any way.
We only ask that you return one good deed with another and perform an act of kindness to another.
In this way, the cycle of compassion and goodwill continues indefinitely.
To bring care and support to people who are experiencing the pressures of today's world in personal relationships and experiences of daily life.
We have seen the power of care relived in the lives of people.
We are open to all people of every culture and creed, regardless of race or skin color.
Fresh Beginnings Ministries is a non-profit public benefit corporation, which exists to assist and serve people experiencing homelessness and near homelessness. We provide food, training of mentors, and personal supportive care to an underserved community.
You can join the FBM Inc., a public benefit corporation by sending us your email address. By sending us your email address, you will be made aware of all FBM happenings. It also includes volunteer opportunities, and upcoming service events.
Your support and contributions will enable us to assist families, vets and local community shelters in need. Your donation of any amount will make a big difference in the lives of your community.
FBM and Grocery Outlet Costa Mesa are Partnering together to help feed our community! Come see us in person in July 2024! GO Costa Mesa is Food and Fundraising to help FBM
Fresh Beginnings Ministries Inc. in partnership with our current and 29 partnership organizations will still be serving to help with veteran families and individuals in our community. As part of that group, we also support our senior citizens in need.
In January 2025 a group of catastrophic fire events took out over 7000+ homes and left over 100,000 people without homes, jobs and most are in shelters throughout L.A and Orange counties. On January 15,2025 FBM was contacted through the efforts of our children and youth liaison and we have since stepped up to provide much needed assistance to the Families, Individuals, as well as the National Guard Troops who are protecting the properties from looters.
The number of families that we are assisting is calculated to be 3000 to 4000. We have been asked to provide specific items. Diapers, size 5,6 and 7. Diaper Wipes, Hygiene Kit items, Picnic Pack items and Family food box items of non-perishable food. (PLEASE SEE OUR LIST OF ITEMS FOR THESE BELOW.)
We need your help! Donations are tax deductible and any of the list above will be greatly appreciated. If, monetary donations are easier, please press the Donate Now button at the bottom of every page on this website.
Fresh Beginnings Ministries Inc. uses volunteers year-round. We pack 200 to 500 Family Food boxes per month and provide Picnic Packs, Hygiene Packs, School Supplies for kids in need.
Holiday time!
We will be working with 29 different organizations this year to provide over 1000 families with a frozen Turkey and a box of food will contain all of the side dish ingredients for a Thanksgiving Dinner along with food for 20 other meals. Food costs to FBM have risen exponentially as with everyone feeding their family. For Thanksgiving 2024, the cost for each box of food is dependent on market value and our ability to partner with local grocery stores.
There will also be Food Boxes available for Christmas and Hanukkah for families who need a little extra help. Contact information will be available soon.
Food Box Packing team will be responsible for packing food boxes in our warehouse. The Food Box packing schedule and sign up will be announced as food becomes available through our donors.
The FBM Warehouse is located at 711 W. 17th. St. Suite E5, Costa Mesa, CA.
Volunteer schedules and times are available. Contact us to sign up to help!
Please contact Bill Nelson at
or Muriel Ullman at
Family Food Boxes supply food for approximately 30 meals.
Piknik Packs supply food for 1 person for 1 day to 9 different homeless assistance agencies
Hygiene Packs contain soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.
Assistance with our partner organizations for people living on the streets to reconnect with their families in Ca. and around the country.
*What is Fresh Beginnings Ministries Inc.?
Fresh Beginnings Ministries Inc., in Orange County, CA, is a 501(c)(3) volunteer public benefit corporation that is seeking to provide assistance to individuals and families in need. Under the direction of its founder, Bill Nelson, the vision of Fresh Beginnings is to create a strong foundation in the area of caring and forgiveness. In the course of its mission to bring the power of love and care to people who are experiencing the pressures of today's world in personal relationships and experiences of daily life, Fresh Beginnings Ministries has grown immensely since it's birth.
*Because you are a faith-based organization, does that mean you only serve those affiliated with a religious organization or church?
Not at all. Although we serve churches of every denomination, we also whole-heartedly serve organizations who have no religious affiliation.
*What, exactly, does FBM do with the donations it receives?
With the financial donations we receive we do the following :Purchase non-perishable food items for the warehouse, purchase family items (baby food, diapers, toiletries, etc.), provide paper goods to the soup Kitchens we partner with, Provide assistance to shelters working with the homeless (i.e. purchasing cold weather clothing and gear)
*How can I make an item(s) donation to the warehouse? (food, emergency basic needs, etc.)
You can drop off any items to our warehouse at 711 W. 17th Street. Suite E5, Costa Mesa, CA. and call Bill at 714/472-9634 to make an appointment. Monday-Friday from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Someone will be available to assist you.
*Can I volunteer with FBM?
Yes. We welcome volunteers, however, the schedule varies. If you are interested in volunteering, please email us at: to connect with one of our team leaders, and if our schedule does not permit working with us, we have a list of partnering organizations who always need volunteers.
*How often does distribution take place?
Distribution is done on a need-basis. It is also determined by the organizations who contact us with what they need. This could happen every other day, once per week, or once per month.
*What are Picnic Packs?
Picnic Paks are a one-meal provision for those with no home. It comes with a nutritious meal and a Picnic water. It also contains what we call a “sanitary pak”, which contains hand sanitizer, toothpaste and toothbrush. We pack as much as we can into a one gallon ziplock bag.
*What are Family Food Boxes?
Family Food boxes contain approximately 20 meals. The size of the family determines how many boxes they receive. For example, a family of five could receive up to three boxes. The contents vary, mostly containing non-perishable food items, such as pasta, soup, canned meats, beans and rice, and canned fruits or vegetables.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
We are now a California Public Benefit Corporation!
Also, we now have a Federally registered Trademark!
711 West 17th Street, Suite E5, Costa Mesa, California 92627, United States
For Donations:
Warehouse Open times vary
Please contact us for appointments
These Boxes contain non-perishable food items that will usually feed two people up to five days. Sometimes more. The items in this box are as follows:
Breakfast Cereal
Pasta Helper Meals
Mac n Cheese
Rice - Dry
Beans - Dry
Pasta Sauce
Dry Pasta Noodles
Canned Fruit - Reg Size Can
Canned Corn - Reg Size Can
Canned Green Beans,
Canned Tuna - Reg Size Can
Peanut Butter 12-14oz
Jelly 12-14oz
Canned Ravioli
Chili Beans- Reg Size Can
Chicken Noodle Soup - 14oz
Oreo Cookies in sleeves
Ritz crackers in sleeves
At Holiday time families can be stressed about how to make a great family meal for the holiday. In 2025 FBM has been asked to provide 1100 Frozen Turkey 10 to 12lbs and a food box with our traditional Family Food Box plus the following items.
Cake Mix
Ready Made Frosting
Stuffing Mix
Canned Cranberry Sauce - Reg Size
Canned Yams - 14oz
Cream of Chicken Soup - Reg Size
Gravy Mix
Dry Mashed Potatoes
The 1100 turkeys we have secured are through Restaurant Depot in Huntington Beach.
they are $25 each. If you wish to donate towards a frozen turkey for a family let us know. Also, the food boxes that go with each turkey will include the fixins' for Thanksgiving dinner plus approximately 20 more meals.
FBM also partners with organizations who find people experiencing homeless to assist them in housing and other needs. One of the ways to have a conversation is by offering a gallon baggie full of food items such as:
Bottled Water
Granola Bars
Vienna Sausage
Crackers (Individual Packs)
Fruit Snacks
Cookies (Individual Packs)
People who are in need sometimes need personal hygiene items in small Hotel sizes which are easy to use such as:
Hand Lotion
Body Wash
Portable Razors
Portable Shave Cream
Portable Hairbrush
Sanitizer/Sanitizer Wipes
Female Hygiene Sanitary Items
Small Bar Soap